Mansoor, Qatar: Hello my friend.I received the arcade machine and I enjoyed it with my children Thank you very much .

Mark: My daughter seems to like the arcade more than me. Thank you.

Andrei: Everything is fine. Thank you verry much.

Recieved Monday. What a fantastic machine. I love it.
Recieved Monday. What a fantastic machine. I love it.

Andrew: Thank you so much. Will provide full review shortly. Packaging, cabinet art, sounds, screen, experience just totally amazing! So so happy Thank you, Thank you, you are a jedi master…

Hi Adrian. The cabinet is done, here′s a few pictures i did.
Im happy how the cabinet is looking.

Sam-Belgium: I’m very happy too and the kids also, the artwork is really nice. Thx for the help and the quality product.

Meinerzhagen: Thanks again, i′mreally happy with your cabinet. Best regards.

Marcin: Its really nice pro job Adrian. You are working hard on your reputation and i am very glad to order all from you.

Darrell UK – Hi Adrian. Yes all unwrapped and has a chance to play. It’s really great. I’m very happy with it.

Your art work is 100%, customer is very happy, you saved the day machine delivered on time ,thanks again

Tiny Player

Simon UK-artwork design

Electric Castle Festival 2017 – Targul de Cariere

Arsenal Park Orastie Military theme park

Steve UK: Hi Adi, Hope all is well. The arcade machine is still running well! Love it! here’s a photo (attached). Hope business is going well. Cheers


Andy UK: Hi Adrian, The arcade machine arrived about an hour ago, brilliantly wrapped and packaged.

Robert UK

Cormac Ireland: Hi yes received it, great work it looks fantastic, thanks again. Will have another order for you tomorrow
Cormac Ireland: Hi yes received it, great work it looks fantastic, thanks again. Will have another order for you tomorrow

Phantasya indoor playing ground for kids

Metal Slug Germany

Dan UK

Gaming Pub in Romania

Private Party

Happy Kids: Playing the Funkycade

Electric Castle Fetival 2018

Classic Arcade Machine

Jingle Joy indoor playing ground for kids