What people are saying about us... Arcade Reviews

Arcade Testimonial Colin Uk

Hi, Kit arrived safely although looking at the outside of the box it looked like TNT had taken it through a warzone, kudos to your packaging for that one.
Have attached some pictures of the finished product. It wasn’t that difficult to put together even on my own. My kids and I love it, the quality of the overall finish was superb!
Some photos attached.Thanks

Arcade Cabinet - Craig Uk

Ioana RO: Our kids simply love this piece of machinery!

Arcade Testimonial

I had a great overall experience for this order. Communication was great and the producer accommodated for all the requests we had. The arcade is a beauty, great quality of the overall materials and the print. The RetroPi interface is also very good looking and easy to use. Plus, now I can make some extra pocket money when kids come to visit.

Testimonial Arcade UK

Hi Adrian,
I wish to confirm – package arrived in one piece 😀
Done an inspection, all is fine.
I am impressed with the quality, don’t have enough words in my native language to describe how happy I am… and WOW!!! it’s not enough…
I Will send you pictures when I finish my build… for sure.
Big thanks to you and your whole team. 😀

Testimonial Arcade UK


As promised, here’s a photo of the finished arcade. Besides the usual buttons and joysticks, we’ve added buttons on the sideways for playing pinball as well as a TFT, a coin-door, a multi-coin-acceptor, a stereo-amplifier and speakers, LED stripes to light up the marquee… and all of that automatically powers up when the PC (which, of course, is also inside the cabinet) is being started.
Thanks again for providing us with a great cabinet for our project.
Best wishes

Testimonial Arcade UK

Mariciu (vlogger): This console is pure gold. It looks amazing in my room. Thanks Adrian

Testimonial Arcade Ro

Anca RO: We are very happy with our purchase. Thank you Adrian

Testimonial Arcade UK

Constantin RO: I just relived my childhood days thanks to you. Thank you my friend

arcade machines for sale

 EA Games: All the arcades bought work fantastic , our team thanks you for your great work putting all our specs together.Best regards Andrei

Arcade Cabinet

Cristian RO: Hi, we have received it and the kids just love the arcade, it’s just marvelous.Thank you

Arcade Cabinet

Gareth UK: Finally got around to finishing this. We absolutely love it – thank you so much!

Arcade Cabinet

Iulian RO: It’s absolutely amazing! I’ll be back…

Arcade Cabinet

Stijn Belgium: The arcade turn out to be amazing , I’m very please of your work and thank you for a smooth transaction.

Testimonial Arcade UK

Thanks for sending out the screen, it came yesterday so I’ve finished the cab now and it looks absolutely amazing. It’s so awesome having a proper arcade machine at home.
I’ve attached a bunch of photos over to you that you can use for whatever, and I’m going to stick a video up at some point as well.

Arcade Cabinet - Craig Uk

Craig UK: Hi Adrian. I attach a photo of the arcade machine. I am very pleased with your flat pack. Many thanks and kind regards.

Testimonial Arcade UK

Jem UK: Hi Adrian. Here is our machine in the games room for your testimonial page. The machine arrived on time, less than a week from ordering. Looks stylish with the colour changing lights and good quality cabinet. Takes us back to our childhood and the kids love it too.

Arcade Cabinet

Just writing to let you know that I hooked it all up and it works perfectly! Here are some pictures of it with my daughter enjoying some game time. This is a genuine NeoGeo 4-slot sat in the heart of the cabinet you built, and it’s just brilliant, so thank you again for all your hard work and expertise.

Arcade Cabinet

Sam UK : Machine all done looking amazing.Thanks Adrian

Testimonial Arcade UK

Lee UK: Just a quick note to say thanks for supplying a great product. Quality is fantastic and I have got all the finishing touches added. Very pleased with the final result.

Testimonial Arcade UK

Kirana UK: The arcade is delivered now, thanks for your great work.

Arcade Cabinet

Hi Adrian,
Got everything  built and finished.  Added some side buttons for pinball games and running LaunchBox, which is so much easier than hyperspin to set up and maintain. Combined with emumovies it looks great. Perhaps the area on the side in the picture above could be made much bigger to allow for a range of position. Will enjoy this for a while but may need an acrylic cover for the controls if I put some artwork on there. Anyway, thanks for the great Cabinet !!

Arcade Cabinet

Lee UK: I received and fitted my T moulding today and my arcade machine is just about finished. Thank you again for an excellent service. I couldn’t be happier with my finished arcade machine. Many thanks

Testimonial Arcade UK

Varley UK: Hi Adrian.Sorry I did not get back to you sooner, the arcade machine arrived on Friday and its look amazing and very happy with it. Thanks again.

Arcade Cabinet RO

Valentin RO: Very happy with both arcades i bought.Thanks Adrian

Erdem Germany. Arcade Testimonial

Thanks for this very well crafted machine! My son can’t let his PS4 controller go yet but I am sure we will get there. If you would like to put anything on your testimonial on webpage, please let me know!

Best regards,

Arcade Testimonial Ireland

Brendan Ireland: See pics attached. It looks great now I would be interested in buying the matching bezel if possible,

Arcade Testimonial

Could not be happier with the cabinet,  from the speed of order to delivery and after care service very friendly also A+++, the sound and lights and controls are all great to… Great price compared to others and all inside the cabinet  is very clean and organised if you ever too access it…super impressed.

Arcade Testimonial

Håkan Sweden: Hello got the arcade game everything works thanks for all the nice work.
Best regards Håkan !!

Arcade Machine Testimonial

Daniel UK: It’s still empty, but absolutely love it. Thanks so much.

Retro Arcade Cabinet Testimonial

Ian UK: Hi Adrian,
Received the machine yesterday, no problems, thank you for a smooth transaction. Looks awesome absolutely love it!!!! Thanks

Mariquita Playgroud Arcade

Mariquita Playgroud: Thanks for the arcade the kids love it !

Pinball for IQOS Living Room

Pinball for IQOS Living Room

Mike UK. Arcade Testimonial

Mike UK: Recieved Monday. What a fantastic machine. I love it.

Sorry if I was a bit off with you. Had a little trouble getting it in the house but got there in the end. Was worth waiting for. Thanks again for all your help.  It got plenty of testing yesterday. May be in touch again for a wall mounted machine. Have a great day Adrian,  speak to you soon.

Diskoteka Retro Festival

Diskoteka Retro Festival

Philip UK. Arcade Testimonial

Philip UK

Arcade Machine James UK

James UK: Hey Adrian, honestly tnt were awful and came a day late without telling me – but they fixed the problem and got it out – and it’s fantastic thank you! absolutely love it!

Arcade Machine Ireland

Cosmin Ireland: Thanks for the arcade my wife really loves it.

arcade testimonial

Darragh  Ireland: It looks great and he kids are delighted with it, thanks for your help along the way.

Arcade Machine - Rich UK

Rich UK: Hi Adrian, I just wanted to send you a really big thank you for the amazing arcade machine you have built and for getting it here for Christmas (it arrived on Christmas Eve).

I have to say the packaging was simply brilliant, lovingly sealed in a solid wooden crate, which made opening it even more exciting! Then seeing the machine under the wrapping, perfect! Better than i expected, literally every element is built to such a high standard, the quality is amazing, and it just gets better when you switch it on. Thank you for building such a great cabinet and with every element of my customisation! Many thanks. Rich

Arcade on The BURGR FACTORY!


Arcade Cabinet Testimonial

”Snakes & Wizards Bar”

Arcade Machine Scott UK

Scott UK: Hi Adrian, nearly finished putting the cabinet together and i just wanted to say thank you.

Testimonial Arcade - Cosmin

Cosmin Italy: It goes perfect with my Street Fighter 2 pinball machine.Thanks

Sam UK. Testimonial Arcade

Wicked Bar Bucharest: Thanks a lot! We already have very excited customers! Best regards Radu I.

  • Arcade Machines
  • Arcade Machines

Skizzo Skillz Romania

Testimonial Arcade

Kimberly  UK : Hi, Yeah artwork received and installed. Really happy with it. Thanks

Testimonial Arcade

Patrik: Hi Adrian, Just wanted to share the finished cabinet.Runs on rpi 3b+

Sam UK. Testimonial Arcade

Sam UK: Hi Adrian, I’ve been meaning to email you all week!

Just wanted to say I received my arcade machine from you, all I can say is it was well worth the wait!!! I absolutely love it, much better than I had hoped. The Tron Legacy wrap you did is amazing and everything exceeded my expectations. Excellent quality and sooooo many games! I am very happy .Thank you for everything! Kindest regards, Sam.

Arcade Machine - Testimonial

Kristof: Hi Adrian, as promised here few picture of the arcade machine up and running in my game room. Hum…so maybe i need another arcade cabinet with a wheel for racing game!!!

Paul UK.Testimonial.Arcade

Paul UK: I couldn’t be happier , I’m grinning from ear to ear , absolutely love this machine .

Arcade Testimonial

Petras Lithuania:
Hi Adrian, at last it’s done! It took a while when all the electronic components arrived from e-bay. 🙂
Sending few pics of assembled arcade machine.


Toke, Denmark: I have received the package. Assembling when fine.

I was positively surprised about the quality of this product. Its really an amazing product product – it has been fun to build, maybe I will build one more and then would I certainly want work with you again, I doubt there is anyone better than you out there. I am happy with the result.

Testimonials - Arcade Machines

Mansoor, Qatar: Hello my friend.I received the arcade machine and I enjoyed it with my children Thank you very much .

Testimonials - Arcade Machines

Mark: My daughter seems to like the arcade more than me. Thank you.

Testimonials - Arcade Machines

Andrei: Everything is fine. Thank you verry much.

Testimonials - Arcade Machines

Recieved Monday. What a fantastic machine. I love it.

Sorry if I was a bit off with you. Had a little trouble getting it in the house but got there in the end. Was worth waiting for. Thanks again for all your help.  It got plenty of testing yesterday. May be in touch again for a wall mounted machine. Have a great day Adrian,  speak to you soon.

Testimonials - Arcade Machines

Andrew: Thank you so much. Will provide full review shortly. Packaging, cabinet art, sounds, screen, experience just totally amazing! So so happy Thank you, Thank you, you are a jedi master…

Retro arcade machines

Hi Adrian. The cabinet is done, here′s a few pictures i did.
Im happy how the cabinet is looking.

Best arcade machines

Sam-Belgium: I’m very happy too and the kids also, the artwork is really nice. Thx for the help and the quality product.

Best arcade machines

Meinerzhagen: Thanks again, i′mreally happy with your cabinet. Best regards.

arcade machines

Marcin: Its really nice pro job Adrian. You are working hard on your reputation and i am very glad to order all from you.

Arcade Machines Cabinet

Darrell UK – Hi Adrian. Yes all unwrapped and has a chance to play. It’s really great. I’m very happy with it.

80s classic arcade games

Your art work is 100%, customer is very happy, you saved the day machine delivered on time ,thanks again

80s games Tiny Player

Tiny Player

Simon UK-artwork design

Simon UK-artwork design

Electric Castle Festival

Electric Castle Festival 2017 – Targul de Cariere

Arsenal Park Orastie Military theme park

Arsenal Park Orastie Military theme park

Steve UK

Steve UK: Hi Adi, Hope all is well. The arcade machine is still running well! Love it! here’s a photo (attached). Hope business is going well. Cheers 

RO - 80s Arcada Games


RO - 80s Arcada Games

Andy UK: Hi Adrian, The arcade machine arrived about an hour ago, brilliantly wrapped and packaged. 

I’ve just finished unwrapping, and have powered it up, and am absolutely thrilled to bits with it all. You’ve done a fantastic job! If I could make one suggestion for the future, you could really do with putting a small sticker saying ‘Made by Fain Arcade’ or something on it, as you certainly deserve a lot of credit for your efforts. If any of my friends are interested in getting their own arcade machines, I’ll point them in your direction. Also, many thanks for the kind and generous gift for my sons birthday, he is going to be very pleased with that when he comes home from school later today. Once again, many thanks, and if you would like any testimonials for your website in the future, I would be more than happy to write one for you. Best and kindest regards, and thanks once again for all of your help, Andy

Robert UK - 80s Games

Robert UK

Mitchell Irleand-custome Artwork

Cormac Ireland: Hi yes received it, great work it looks fantastic, thanks again. Will have another order for you tomorrow

Phantasya indoor playing ground for kids

Phantasya indoor playing ground for kids

Metal Slug Germany - 80s Games

Metal Slug Germany

Dan UK - 80s Games

Dan UK

Gaming Pub in Romania

Gaming Pub in Romania

Private Party - 80s Arcada Games

Private Party

playing the Funkycade

Happy Kids: Playing the Funkycade

80s Arcade Games

Electric Castle Fetival 2018

80s classic arcade games

Classic Arcade Machine

Jingle Joy indoor playing ground for kids

Jingle Joy indoor playing ground for kids

Testimonial Arcade Machine – Do you remember when your parents and your older friends were talking about the well-known Arcade Cabinet they used to play in Arcade Rooms?

I am sure you know the newer versions Mortal Kombat, Pacman, Street Fighter and racing games…but do you know the original ones?

Do you know how your older cousins, parents and friends used to play when there were no smartphones and computers all over the place?

These Street Fighter Arcade Machines and Mortal Kombat Arcade Machines will introduce you to the fascinating world of pixels and simple colors that will absorb you and trap you there in the universe of Video Games Arcade!

Come and explore these interesting universes and many more games that marked the childhood of many and will mark you too!